Graduation 2015

I have a high school graduate, whom I am so very proud of. We were lucky enough to get the enormously talented Kristen Wheeler to photograph our girl. Kristen has a certain magic that is evident in all of her photos. You can find more of Kristen’s work here:


Congratulations to this beautiful girl. The future is so bright.


The Indie-Folk Fest at the Mennello Museum of American Art

I spent my Valentine’s Day at the Mennello Museum of American Art and loved every second of it. The Indie-Folk Fest was a twist on the Folk Festival the museum has hosted in the past and it was the most successful event yet.


Porch Therapy, from East End Market, easily one of my favorite places in Orlando.


Hanson’s Shoe Repair is Orlando’s own speakeasy and they make cocktail art. If you haven’t been, check it out.

Design firm “Lure” was my neighbor for the day. They are possibly better neighbors than Mr.Rogers.

There was leather and wood:


There was much more art and craft available, and the music was fantastic, too. Here’s a photo of two of the performers, Thomas & Olivia:

And one of my favorite people, Ken Pease and his delightful folk art:

It was a great day and I can’t wait until next year!


Mercer University, Hardmall Hall Plunkett Gallery

Some photos from my recent trip to Macon to install my work.

First, the interesting door of  my host, Craig Coleman.


Hardman Hall is the only building on campus made of limestone.




The show will hang until February 21st, when I will give a talk and hopefully answer some questions.

Yellow Deli, Purple Daisy, SCAD, and Foxy Loxy

It’s not just any old time I can write those three things together. This is the last of my trip sketches, top one from the beginning of the trip and the bottom sketch is from the end.



Maggie Valley, North Carolina


We hoped to find snow for our holiday trip. We did, but only the manufactured kind. Still, it was a fun day of “tubing” and throwing snowballs. Smoky Mountain National Park surprised us with a large herd of curious elk. Nearby Waynesville is a fun little town, and all the locals are friendly and full of great information on their area.

Holiday trip

When I asked my son what he wanted for Christmas this year, sometime in November, he said: “Snow”.  A sweet little wish from a Florida native. Well, we weren’t sure if we’d find real snow, but knew we could find the man-made variety. We started in Tennessee, we’ve never been there and thought it would be a fun place for our adventure to begin. Here is the first entry in my sketchbook from our trip:


I have always wanted to go to Sweden…

I haven’t gotten a chance to go to Sweden, but an Online Marketing guru from Sweden has featured my “What do you look for in an illustrator?” series on his blog. I am tickled. The world is at our fingertips with social media. Here’s the interview, and many, many thanks to Tomas Fransson for featuring me on his site:

10.10.14 Art Show Spectacle

Julio-Caravaggio boys_balloons art-dir_show-people MK_me_pillow Scmitts-me-mom show-scene-heroes star-wars-wall icons-wall Grace_balloons