Tomorrow is the end, so better post today

The end of the world has been predicted before (, to no avail. Now, we have another doomsday prediction ( the rapture.

It’s too much for me to think about, so instead, I’ll share some recent doodles.

Tina Fey celebrated a birthday this week. But this in no way to celebrate…

That’s better.

Nora Ephron had a birthday too. She wrote the screen play for “When Harry Met Sally” and “you’ve got mail”, to name just two. She is a true inspiration. She likes her steak smothered in sea salt and butter too. She likes butter so much, she says it’s her religion.

Below, is a page from the coloring book I did for the Maitland History Museum. I had lots of fun coming up with ideas for it. You can click on the image, then print the page out and add your self portrait. Feel free to photograph the results and email me the image. I would love to see what you come up with.

Well, I guess I should go clean the bathroom before the “Rapture”