The White House and Orange TV

Have you heard of the White House? Not the one in Washington DC, but the one on Summerlin Avenue, in downtown Orlando? It’s not just a place, but a home. It’s a performance place, for music and art. It transcends the typical music/art experience in that it’s free. You are only asked to bring a dish to share and your own beverage(s). In return, you experience a singular sensation that is sublime. You can read more about the man who started it all, and the place:, click  “timucua” to read more about events.

I was invited to do live painting at the White House. It was a thrilling experience, and the performers where phenomenal and moving. I haven’t finished the painting I worked on, but when i do, I’ll post it. I also did a portrait of the host, Benoit Glazer, that I did complete.

I gave Benoit the framed portrait, in admiration of the tremendous gift he gives our community.

Then, this morning, I was on Orange TV, being interviewed on the show “pARTicipation”.  I had a wonderful time meeting all the people that put the show together. Everyone involved is so engaging and interested in what they’re doing and how to make it the best it can be.

I’ll share the link to my video when I get it, in the meantime, it’s Channel 199 on Brighthouse. It’s a United Arts funded program, that alone sent me straight to the moon.

Here’s some recent doodles:

I don’t watch the show “House” much anymore. I work a lot at night, and therefore TV is out. I saw a video from the show, where House performed the  song “Forget Your Troubles C’mon Get Happy”, here’s the link:

My little girl is growing up. She graduated from parochial school, and is now off to join the public school kids in High School.

It’s been hard to watch her leave the safe little nest of her school, but it’s time she spread her wings.

Bob Dylan celebrated a birthday recently. I couldn’t let that go without a doodle.

Do you know Dr.Who? My daughter is a huge fan. It’s a BBC production (, and there’s a certain appeal of the young doctor and his british accent…

The Casey Anthony trial is big news in Orlando. It’s a gruesome story of the death of a 2 year old girl and the implication of her mother in the crime. You can watch every minute here:

The Judge in the Anthony case, Belvin Perry Jr. He’s a real character.

Happy Monday and happy week.