Television starts with “me”

You’re not going to believe this. You ready? I was on TV. Yup. For my artwork too. I am still feeling a little woozy. It’s not ABC, NBC or any of the other big networks. It’s actually “art” Tv, more specifically, “Orange TV”. It’s a local arts channel. If you are interested, here’s the link
I can’t watch. I tried, and after about 5 seconds I started hyperventilating and turned it off. I can’t explain why, I just know it’s an anxiety thing. I’ll try again at some point, but not yet.
Here’s some doodles I’ve been up to:
Peter Falk died, and I couldn’t let that go without a doodle. I loved watching Columbo as a kid.
My cousin reminded me that I never did a Farrah doodle, so this is for him.
A jazzy doodle. I don’t know this man’s name (do you?) but I like his face.
My kids have a book about the Titanic, got me doodling.
A ladylike cat.
My cat, YumYum is an endless source of doodles. This habit is starting to cause budget problems, as toilet paper isn’t getting any cheaper, and she can do this to a whole (new) roll.
See you soon!