Hello? Hello!

It has been like Santa’s workshop around here. Or maybe I should say the witches den, given the time of year. I have neglected my blog long enough. I will add lots of new doodles, a schedule of events, and a huge THANK YOU for subscribing, visiting and/or reading my blog.

I did a whole series based on Star Wars and victorian dresses.

Here, a few doodles based on the old “Munsters” TV series. Do you remember that? It was such a treat to sometimes get to watch an episode after school when I was a kid.

A doodle of Mary Shelley. Do you recognize her name? She wrote “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus”

A dinosaur doodle based on my daughter’s favorite dinosaur, velociraptor:

You might notice a little Teletubbie reference. That show was an obsession for my daughter as a toddler.

I would be remiss if I didn’t include the passing of  luminary Steve Jobs. A doodle of his wife, Laurene, and a prayer his family finds peace living without him.

Lastly, I have begun to dabble in local politics. I find it exhausting, and I am not at all a political thinker. The reason I have gotten involved is because our school district is on the verge of cutting arts and athletics from their programs.

That just won’t do, so the one thing I can do, is write to my legislators and go to school board meetings. It hardly feels like I am making a difference. So, while being all consumed thinking about it, I started doodling some of the people I am learning about.

First, the Supervisor of Elections for Seminole County, who is a charming fellow and he really wants to know if you are registered to vote, Mike Ertel:

Next, Dede Schaffner, Chairwoman of the School Board, and tremendous advocate for our children.

Bill Vogel, Seminole Schools Superintendent, he’s an advocate too:

Finally, I contacted our representatives in the Senate and the House, David Simmons and Scott Plakon:

Last night our family attended a School Board meeting, to show support for keeping Arts and Athletics in school. I came home feeling like it didn’t really make a difference. I wonder what it takes to get our voices heard? I’ve learned that just one voice doesn’t do. It has to be an army, a force. That is beginning to build, for that I am hopeful.

Some upcoming events:

Pumpkins and Pie at the Mennello Museum of American Art. I donated a pumpkin, along with 30 other artists, to be auctioned off to build funds for the upcoming Folk Art Festival.  My pumpkin has turned into a bird cage, with glow in the dark birds and a double portrait of the Brothers Grimm. A little candy corn makes the pumpkin “interactive”, their website: http://www.mennellomuseum.com/.

November 11-13 House of Blues Folk Art Festival, in conjunction with Disney’s Festival of the Masters. For this wonderful festival, I am attempting to finish a whole series, lets hope I find the time to get them done.

Art on Tap, December 4th, at Taps in Winter Park Village. This event features 6 Florida artists, and will have a Facebook event page when it is closer to the big day. Here’s the page: Facebook.com/artontap. It’s not up yet, but when it is, I will post again.

Finally, the last scheduled show (for now) is the 10th Annual Orlando Folk Festival on February 11, 12 2012, at the Mennello Museum. I am creating the poster for that event, super excited!

If you’ve made it to this point, thank you for catching up with me. I hope to make posts more often, to avoid such a long winded entry again.

Happy Day!

A Night in June

I was thrilled to be part of Timucua, or the White House. Benoit Glazer and his family host a unique experience in their home. It is THE best music, in a room with THE best acoustics in a home that is THE most beautiful white house I’ve seen.

Here’s a small clip of the night in June, that I was lucky enough to paint along with the beautiful music. Featured musician is clarinetist Christine Barron.

Orlando Arts Magazine, endings and beginnings

I am excited to be featured in the “Artist Spotlight” in Orlando Arts Magazine. OAM is a free magazine produced by United Arts.

Here’s a list, where you can find copies of the magazine: http://unitedarts.cc/docs/oamdistributionnov09NAME%20ONLY_1.pdf

or, mail: Emma@UnitedArts.cc to request your free copy.

The doodles hanging at Lambs Eat Ivy salon will come down this Saturday. It has been a marvelous opportunity to show my work to a whole new audience. Thank you to all the wonderful lambs!

Here’s a doodle I did of the beautiful salon.

While the show at Lambs ends, I prepare for the November show at the House of Blues. It is such a fun experience, I can’t wait to do it again!

Here’s a sneak peek of a new screen painting I’ve been working on:

Happy Labor day!

BabyTalk Magazine

I am excited to share with you a project I worked on with BabyTalk Magazine. The art director wanted chalk drawings for a layout in the magazine.

So, I went to the offices of BabyTalk, and drew chalk drawings (they had very specific ideas) on a huge chalk board.

Here is the result:

Class of 2028. Can you believe it? Those words were the first thing I chalked for the photoshoot.

Little slugger. The kids weren’t at the shoot. They had already taken their photos. We used a mannequin to approximate where each child was in the photo.

The little devil wears Prada.

This one got my son’s seal of approval. He said, “nice paper airplane, mom”.

In the classroonm, there’s always one student buttering up the teacher with an apple.

Super kid finishes up the series. It was so fun to work on this project, and I made some new friends. It was Super.

High school and knee surgery


My daughter, Elena, started High School yesterday. It’s a radical departure from her middle school, it’s in a new school district, now takes a school bus (always mom/dads taxi before) and no uniforms. It’s both terrifying and liberating. She did remarkably well her first day.

I posted my Patron Saint of Teachers yesterday, in honor of her big day.

I am thankful for all the wonderful people who choose to be a teacher.

Elena going to high school reminds me of my own high school experience. Angst seems to have an unfortunate place in many a high schoolers heart. Moments of doubt, disappointment and floundering (Who am I? Where am I going? What day is it?). That’s where music came in. My friends and I listened to the Cure, lead singer Robert Smith being tagged “The pope of mope”.

My mom recently underwent knee surgery. After observing the whole process, I am struck by the remarkable strides made in modern medicine, and the incredible pain and suffering that is endured by patients. Knee surgery is notoriously one of the most difficult to recuperate from, and my mom is a beacon of strength and will. Even so, it’s a painful recovery and difficult to watch.

Here’s a few doodles of my mom, from the past:

Mom loves mermaids, so I took the opportunity to merge the two.

A more recent doodle of mom as a cutie toddler.

and I created Super New Knee in her honor:

Anything to make this experience seem more fun is a good thing. Of course, it doesn’t make it more fun. Perhaps you’ll join me in sending prayers of healing and encouragement. The strength she needs to endure this is herculean, but with a little help from prayers and happy thoughts, maybe it can be just a little bit easier. When talking to the man upstairs, or however you pray, her name is MaryAnn.

A bad link on a good day

In my latest blog installment (Upcoming and Up and Coming), I linked a blog entry to the House of Blues Show. It was a bad link, so if you’re interested, you can click the Good Link below, and see the entry.


I joined  a Daily Drawing Community on Facebook, and have been uploading sketches daily. Here’s some samples:

There’s a lot more where these came from, so if you’d like to see more here, let me know and I’ll be sure to include sketches in more blog entries. Happy Saturday!

Upcoming. Up and coming…

I have sent my House of Blues application in, so, I look forward to hearing from them soon. I had such fun at the event last year.

Here’s my post about last year’s event:


Above, my booth from the Folk Art Festival at the beautiful Mennello Museum

of American Art, February 2011. I am excited to announce that I have been asked to create the poster for next years festival (Feb.2012), and the Mennello is having a new event in October:

Pumpkins and Pies, a fundraising event for the folk festival. I will be creating a pumpkin

for auction.

Here’s a pumpkin that I carved the last time they held a similar fundraiser:

Here’s a couple of doodles I’ve been up to:

Groucho Marx. “Before I speak, I have something important to say”

Ethel Mertz, The I LOVE Lucy show, “I’m sorry your mother looks like a weasel”

I painted a doodle you can’t refuse. Godfather, Marlon Brando.

The Infant Jesus of Prague. The Patron Saint of Children. A tribute to the shooting in Norway.

My cat YumYum is the subject of an ongoing series. One day YumYum will have her own book.

If you want to see more doodles, please visit my Facebook page:


Happy day.

I’m Sorry!!!

Please accept my heart felt apologies for the inundation of posts, from my blog, to your inboxes yesterday. It was an inadvertent, horrible result, of some blog fiddling I was doing.

I promise, from now on in, I will always get a professional to take care of any blog issues or changes.

Thank you, your subscription is very important to me.