Audubon Center for Birds of Prey

Have you been to the Audubon Center in Maitland (or your city)? I take my kids occasionally, and it’s always a wonderful experience. The commitment that the staff and volunteers have for the birds is remarkable. We are always in awe of the peaceful sanctuary that has been created on behalf of these majestic creatures. Even the vultures are beautiful.
One of the paintings I did for the Maitland History show, is in honor of the Center:

The image is painted on a projection screen. I learned so much about how the Audubon Center came to be, when I started digging into it’s history. Herons & egrets were seriously endangered, due to their lovely feathers (and how they looked on hats). The Dommerich’s (a prominent wealthy family in Maitland) and some of their friends were so shocked by the amount of birds being killed in Central Florida alone, that they got together and funded the Center. Today, thanks in a large part to their efforts, the birds are thriving.
here, another look at the Audubon piece and the map of Maitland that I created.
If you haven’t been to the Center yet, I encourage you to check out their website, and consider a trip out. It’s not only good for the birds, but I am always amazed at how calm and happy I feel on my way home.